Upcoming 2024..
Arts for Dementia April / May 24
A series of workshops and celebratory exhibition at MAST studios Southampton. Watch this space :0)
PaDA at Peer Studios
A return for the latest ooutage of PaDA project, also workshops for Place of Safety.( July)
A PaDA event.
Jubille library, window gallery Brighton.
A huge window install of paint-ed marks, inviting the public to take part, make their marks, photograph to document.
A PaDA event.
Place of Safety, July 2024.
A piece of outside public art will be crerated at La Falaise shelter inVentnor for the Ventnor Fringe. I willbe workig wih pant as sculptutre and hope to have a piece that moves and glows at night nested on the cliffs. The work will be co created with local community groups who will be looking to express themselves wihin thees of shelter, belonging, and safety.